Executive compensation can be a complex area to navigate. Packages must be attractive enough to secure quality leaders but cannot be seen to be excessive. Maintaining rigour and integrity while balancing the interests of all concerned is an ongoing challenge for boards and remuneration committees.
Aon's experience and fact-based insight assists you in making remuneration decisions affecting non-executive directors and senior executives. When partnerinig with us, you'll benefit from:
- unparalleled data capability – we go beyond publicly disclosed information to provide you with in-depth analysis of market competitiveness through our proprietary executive salary surveys
- customised service – our service is tailored to the unique needs of your organisation, we develop peer groups focused on organisational size and industry to provide greater market context
- leading expertise – Aon's experienced remuneration experts have worked across a broad range of industry sectors and business structures in both corporate and consulting. We pride ourselves on delivering a balanced perspective to support positive executive pay outcomes.
Our advice covers all aspects of executive remuneration including:
- remuneration strategy and design
- board and committee fees and benefits (directors)
- salary, benefits, cash incentives, equity-based incentives (executives)
- performance frameworks and measures associated with executive reward
- sign-on and termination provisions
- associated governance and disclosure.
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